Date vs Time of Day, if x hrs (8-4) divide by?..



061006 Date vs Time of Day, if x hrs (8-4) divide by?..

hi, need help on what would be best idea for determining if daily values are
at expect levels, for each line, in reference to the time of day. all values
in column are updated at the same time / simultaneously. i.e. guesse could
have 1 NOW time stamp, in one cell.

trying to figure out how to setup

example of other date formula for if within 10 days:

maybe Need for hours: 8am - 4pm, if dividing by even hours (or maybe
something more dynamic? / to minutes). thanks!

have previous column, of previous day total, but more to point: have fixed
cells at top for desired levels (THAT CAN DIVIDE in Equal Levels). e.g.:


p.s. need formula for weekdays / not holidays, not sure how to use WORKDAY?
if applies..

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