Date wise Inventory Result



I have Master table with Item Code & Two tables ,Qty Receive & Qty Issue
,joined with Master table. Qty Receive table has fields Item Code ,Received ,
& Receiving Date etc. Qty Issued Table has fields Item Code , Issued , &
Issued Date etc. I need to create a query to obtain Date/month wise
Inventory. Noted that Qty received on certain date , issued at same or
different date/period . The Query Which I made is giving repatation of
Receiving date along with issue date . i.e

Code Received R-Date Issue I-Date
5001 8 01.01.09 3 15.01.09
5001 8 01.01.09 5 03.02.09
This query is giving net 16 received & 8 issued bal: 8

Should be

Code Received Date Issue Date
5001 8 01.01.09 3 15.01.09
5001 5 03.02.09

Ending Bal Should be 0

Please help me out


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