I am trying to calculate how long a machine was down. Here is a situation.
If a machine went down at 10:00am on 3/1/07. This machine was repaired on
3/3/07 at 2:00pm. I can figure out the total time it was down which was 2
days, 4 hours (52 hours total). Obviously, a repairman is not available
24-hours, 7-days a week. He is asleep in his bed at nights. He is available
to repair the machines from 9am to 9pm 7 days a week. I want to calculate
the total time the machine was down during the repairman's schedule. In this
case, this machine was down for 28 hours (11 hours on 3/1, 12 hours on 3/2,
and 5 hours on 3/3). Is there an easier way to calcuate this for thousand
machines? Perhaps a modification of datedif function?
Please email me the replies at (e-mail address removed).
I am trying to calculate how long a machine was down. Here is a situation.
If a machine went down at 10:00am on 3/1/07. This machine was repaired on
3/3/07 at 2:00pm. I can figure out the total time it was down which was 2
days, 4 hours (52 hours total). Obviously, a repairman is not available
24-hours, 7-days a week. He is asleep in his bed at nights. He is available
to repair the machines from 9am to 9pm 7 days a week. I want to calculate
the total time the machine was down during the repairman's schedule. In this
case, this machine was down for 28 hours (11 hours on 3/1, 12 hours on 3/2,
and 5 hours on 3/3). Is there an easier way to calcuate this for thousand
machines? Perhaps a modification of datedif function?
Please email me the replies at (e-mail address removed).