Thank you for posting your message with the relevant topic
in the Subject box - it makes searching easier!!
I have a similar problem, but have tried your solution
with no luck. This expression used to work in my Access
97 and has just recently decided to quit! I'm a little
nervous that it may be related to a recent upgrade to XP?
To calculate difference between Jan 1 and today:
Expr2: DateDiff("d",#01/01/2003#,Now())
And to calculate difference between today and Dec 31:
Expr3: DateDiff("d",Now(),#31/12/2003#)
The error message I'm getting is:
"Compile error in query expression..."
Your help very much appreciated!
-----Original Message-----
No. What are those "greater than" signs?
The shortened syntax is:
DateDiff(Interval As String, Date1, Date2)
For example:
?DateDiff("d", Date(), #12/31/2003#)
Check Access VB Help for more info.
Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)
I'm having problems using this datediff in a querie.
Days: DateDiff("d",> g> ![Date In],> > > g> > ![Date Out])
Does this look right? The results are very odd!!!