Unfortunately, what you are looking for isn't in the Help files. The
DateDiff( ) function returns a Variant of subtype Long. Therefore, you can
use the DateDiff( ) function to return either hours or minutes, but not both
at the same time. The solution is to run the function twice, once to
retrieve the number of hours elapsed and again to retrieve the number of
minutes elapsed. Then use modulus division to calculate just the number of
minutes since the last hour of elapsed time (not the total amount of minutes
elapsed as retrieved by the DateDiff( ) function). Then format these values
into a string value to display or store in a table. Here's an example:
Dim lMins As Long
Dim lHrs As Long
lHrs = DateDiff("h", [START_MK], [STOP_MK])
lMins = DateDiff("n", [START_MK], [STOP_MK])
Me!txtElapsedTime.Value = lHrs & ":" & (lMins Mod 60)
where "txtElapsedTime" is a text box to display the elapsed time in hours
and minutes.
So the SQL expression for this calculated field in your query would look
like this:
(DateDiff("h", [START_MK], [STOP_MK]) & ":" & (DateDiff("n", [START_MK],
[STOP_MK]) Mod 60)) AS ElapsedTime
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Morticia Addams said:
If DateDiff("n",[START_MK],[STOP_MK]) returns the elapsed time in Minutes,
what is the character to use for returning a general time elapsed between the
two dates in Hours AND Minutes (3:48) ?? Thanks. I tried looking in Access
help....must not be looking hard enough...