1) Datediff("n",fromdate,todate) will tell you how many minutes in
total between the two dates.
2) datediff("d",fromdate,todate,7) will tall you how many Saturdays
between the two dates.
3) datediff("d",fromdate,todate,1) will tell you how many Sunday's
between the two dates
4) If you create a table of dates that represents the workdays being
taken off for a holiday (If holiday is on a saturday then put Friday's
date in the table). THEN
dcount ("*","holidayTable", "HolidayTableDate between #" & fromdate &
"# and #" & todate "#")
5) multiply the sum of items ( 2, 3, and 4) by 24 * 60 to get the
total number of minutes for saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.
6) subtract item 5 from item 1 and then divide the answer by 60 to get
the number of hours between the two dates.