DatePart Function in VBA



I am using the VBA DatePart Function as a function in Excel:

Function DatePartFunction(qualfier As String, rng As Date)
DatePartFunction = DatePart(qualfier, rng)
End Function

According to the Help resources, the function takes the following arguments:
DatePart(interval, date[,firstdayofweek[, firstweekofyear]])

How do I incoporate the firstdayofweek and firstweekofyear arguments. For
example in A1 I have the following date: 24/03/2006. Then in B1 I have the
following formula: =DatePartFunction("ww",$A$1) - See list below. The result
in B1 is 6. I am assuming that as 24/03/2006 is a Friday that the 6 must
mean that the first day of the week is assumed to be Sunday. I want to set
the first day of the week to Monday so that the result of the function is 5.
How do I do this in code/Excel? Thanks

yyyy Year
q Quarter
m Month
y Day of year
d Day
w Weekday
ww Week
h Hour
n Minute
s Second


=DatePartFunction("w",$A$1,2) is the right usage!

„ExcelMonkey†ezt írta:


Function DatePartFunction(qualfier As String, rng As Date, firstdw)
DatePartFunction = DatePart(qualfier, rng, firstdw)
End Function

will give you 5


„ExcelMonkey†ezt írta:

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