Dates again



Is it there a way to substract 2 cells with different dates and get a result
in year,months and days.
WAIT! not that easy:
The second date (B1) could be today or close as in 1900, 2000...
The first date(A1), that's the one giving me the problem
because it could be in 1776, 1492 etc.


Thanks Mike for your response, that assumes there is not other way to do it.
I'm concern about an addin I installed once(not related to date) that even
when I turn it off
keeps giving me message that "the workbook has an add in..." everytime I
open the workbook, but hey, chances are risky and thanks again.
Thank you also FST1.

Mike H

I share you concerns about addins of dubious origing but something produced
by John Walkenbach comes with a pretty impressive pedigree so I don't think
you need worry about this one.



Thanks a lot for the reassurance Mike. Now that I have you in line, do you or
anyone know if this date problem is overcome in XL 2007?

Mike H


No sorry and judging by some of the moans about 2007 it'll be some time
before I upgrade and find out.



Well my issue not to upgrade and find out myself is the same wordwide and
most popular issue of all of us:money( cost around 150.00).
However if you get the opportunity to upgrade and find out for yourself then
do it and don't let no one decide for you if is good or bad. This advice
comes from a person that everyone told " Vista is a piece of ..." , got a new
computer with VISTA and
found out that in reality Vista is a piece of ...
not the best example, but the moral is that I find out by myself.
New things are different but usually improved and most people dont like them.
Worst of Vista is the compatibility problem. However whenever I get the
chance(and the money), for
sure I'll buy XL 2007 and post back.
Thanks Mike for your time and help.


i don't have 2007 and for the same reasons as mike but i do know that 2007
uses the same 1900/1904 date keeping system used by previouse xl versions so
i would guess that the pre-1900 date problem has not be addressed yet. I have
not seen all of the new functions yet and perhaps may not until i have 07 but
thats the way it goes.


Ron Rosenfeld

Thanks a lot for the reassurance Mike. Now that I have you in line, do you or
anyone know if this date problem is overcome in XL 2007?

This information is available looking at HELP for Specifications:

Earliest date allowed for calculation January 1, 1900
(January 1, 1904, if 1904 date system is used)
Latest date allowed for calculation December 31, 9999

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