Dates and Null


rob p

I also had a date problem and found this posting from a couple weeks ago:

I tried the code below and upon entering first date and then CR for second,
I get error "Invalid use of Null". I was careful to type the code. Is there
a setting somewhere I need to flip also?

how can I have a query that will allow a user to enter
either a specific date or a range of dates?

Put a criterion of

([Shipdate] >= CDate([Enter start date:]) OR [Enter start date:] IS
([Shipdate] < DateAdd("d", 1, CDate([Enter end date:])) OR [Enter end
date:] IS NULL)

If they enter dates (the same date for specific date) in both prompts,
it will find all shipdates in between; if they enter only a start date
it will find from that date on; if they enter only an end date it will
find all earlier dates.

John Vinson

I tried the code below and upon entering first date and then CR for second,
I get error "Invalid use of Null". I was careful to type the code. Is there
a setting somewhere I need to flip also?


My apologies; that was my oversight. The CDate() function won't work
on NULLs.

Change the query to

[Shipdate] >= CDate(NZ([Enter start date:],#1/1/100#))
[Shipdate] < DateAdd("d", 1, CDate(NZ([Enter end

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