Dates displaying as General Data



I’m probably doing something wrong, but I don’t know what! I’m doing this
with a Macro.

I have some personnel data, where the date format is mm/dd/yyyy.
Name data data 12/31/1939
Name data data 9/30/1941

In two other columns I select the data based on the month. The date format
this time is dd-mmm.
Name 30-Sep

Name 15-Sep

Name 10-Sep

I copy this data to a sort area, using “Special Paste, Valueâ€. The date
format, here, is also dd-mmm.

The data is sorted by last name, which puts the blank cells at the top.
Then the data is cut and pasted to the top of the Spreadsheet for easy access.

The first time I run it, after retrieving the Workbook, the dates display
correctly. But if I run it more than once using other months for the
selection, some of the dates display as General data rather than as dates.

I’ve cleared all of the cells, re-established the format, re-created the
data, and it still does it.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Sean Timmons

You can always have the macro reformat for you. Just do the reformat at the
very end of the macro...


Hi Sean,

I thought about doing that, but I was hoping that it was just something that
I was doing wrong. Does this mean that this is a known problem with EXCEL?


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