Hi Sa,
Not through the standard menu, but a very small macro could
do it, and you could then assign the macro to a keyboard
shortut or menu item. For example, here's a macro that'll
type the date 14 days from now, in U.S. format:
Selection.TypeText Format(Now + 14, "MMMM d, yyyy")
Or here's one that'll *ask* you how many days in advance you
want the date, the type it in short format (e.g., 9/9/03):
Dim NumDays As Long
On Error GoTo oops
NumDays = InputBox("How many days in advance?")
Selection.TypeText Format(Now + NumDays, "M/d/yy")
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Must enter a number.": GoTo Asker
If you've never used macros, don't be scared of them. They
can save you tons of time for almost anything you do often.
For info on using macros offered to you in newsgroups, see:
For info on assigning macro to a hotkey or toolbar menu: