Dates prior to 1984 in MS Porject 2002



Is there anyway to enter start dates prior to 1984 (e.g.
as far back as 1971)...
I am trying to build a historical account of activities
some as far back as 1971 etc.
I have currently split the project into 2 pieces (Pre-Post
1984) and fudged the first part with a 20 year subtraction
factor applied by the reader (e.g. 1994 actual equals
1974) What a pain...
Anyone else every come up with a work around or maybe a
real fix...
Cheers, BB

Rob Schneider

Brent said:
Is there anyway to enter start dates prior to 1984 (e.g.
as far back as 1971)...
I am trying to build a historical account of activities
some as far back as 1971 etc.
I have currently split the project into 2 pieces (Pre-Post
1984) and fudged the first part with a 20 year subtraction
factor applied by the reader (e.g. 1994 actual equals
1974) What a pain...
Anyone else every come up with a work around or maybe a
real fix...
Cheers, BB

I'm guessing that the limitation is there becuase Project keeps track of
dates by the minute. Valid dates are 1 Jan 1984 through 31 Dec 2049
They reserve space to hold these numbers without overflow. Holding more
years (and more millions of minutes) is more than they programmed it for.

In absense of another idea, I guess what I would do is pick "silly"
years for the "fudged" years, e.g. use 2031 through 2044 for the years
1971 through 1984 and use a 60 year substraction factor. That way if
you or others see these "silly" dates, you'll (and others) will
remember. Use real dates for 1984 through 2030. I know they said this
for Yr2k, but by then they'll have updated Project (they have to update
the C compilers by then anyway as there are issues with years in the
middle part of this century as I recall ... that another story).
Besides, by then you'll likely be lounging on a beach.

Mike Glen

Hi Brent,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

No - Project is hard coded from 1984 to 2049.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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