Billy Two Hats
How do I get the equivilant of =TEXT(MONTH(A1)+1,"mmmm") to show the next
calander month after the one recorded in cell A1? Cell A1 is formated as
mmmm, yyyy and is entered as the last day of the month. The result needs to
be formated as text, for use with an indirect function.
Using = MONTH(A1)+1 works in giving the number of the next calander month
but any of my attempts to show the actual month always gives January (ie
calander month after the one recorded in cell A1? Cell A1 is formated as
mmmm, yyyy and is entered as the last day of the month. The result needs to
be formated as text, for use with an indirect function.
Using = MONTH(A1)+1 works in giving the number of the next calander month
but any of my attempts to show the actual month always gives January (ie