i am trying to export my autocorrect entries from a desktop to a laptop. i
have no idea what i am doing, by the way. i have downloaded this file from
Dave Rado but i am getting error message about the macros being disabled. i
have gone into security and set to medium, and also set to trust all
installed. i still get the same message.
also, i am unclear on how to get this to the new machine.
can anyone help?
I suspect you're trying to use the utility from some ordinary folder where you
downloaded it, rather than putting it in the specific folder Word uses for
templates. That's why Word is disabling the macro.
When you unzip the file that you downloaded, you get a file (a template
containing macros) named AutoCorrect.dot. Store that file in the Templates
folder. Although the Templates folder is normally hidden, you can get there in
Windows Explorer by typing into the address bar
and pressing Enter.
When you've done that, use the File > New command and choose the AutoCorrect
template. In the document that opens, there will be a dialog box with buttons
for Backup, Restore, and Cancel. Click the Backup button.
The macro will create another document containing the AutoCorrect entries. Save
that document with a name you can remember.
Now copy the AutoCorrect.dot file to the Templates folder on the new machine,
and copy the document containing the AutoCorrect entries to the My Documents
folder on the new machine. Again use the File > New command and choose the
AutoCorrect template. This time click the Restore button. When prompted, select
the document, and the AutoCorrect entries will be copied from it into the new
machine's storage.