DAVERAGE isn't working



I have a database of about 70 records, it looks like this:

Job Material Labor Total Billed Profit %
Name Cost Cost Cost For

Solomon 14,000 12,000 26,000 28,000 2,000 7.1%

I am doing a stats sheet on this database and have made 7
different categories according to the Billed For column
(>50,000;40,000<Billed For<50,000; ect.) I need to be
able to do this: look at the only the profitable jobs
(or unprofitable) in a certain category and get the
average in a certain field (profit, or material cost, or
labor cost). I have tried using DAVERAGE, and it always
returns #VALUE! Need help, thanks

Frank Kabel

for which column do you want to get the average for?. You may try
something like the following array formula (to be entered with


That array formula returns #Name! I for got to mention
that is the database i have left a column between ever
column, eg. Billed For isn't column E it is column H, (So
it isn't so crowded), should i get rid of the "spacer

Frank Kabel

what is the exact formula you have used?. This should not return a
#NAME error (or are you using a non-English Excel version)

Myrna Larson

You will make your formula writing MUCH simpler if you get rid of the blank
columns. Just make them wider if the purpose is cosmetic.

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