


I created a discussion group
(http://bullmoosedrinkingclub.com/bullmoose/Discussion_Group_New_frm.htm) to
allow people to post stories. Right now they can post a story but others can
not reply to the story with a comment. This is what it looks like now:

Story 1
Story 2
Story 1 Reply
Story 3

I would prefer a format more like this bulletin board. Something like this:

Story 1
Story 1 reply
Story 1 reply A
Story 2
Story 3
Story 3 reply
Story 3 reply A

Can FrontPage do what I want?

Stefan B Rusynko

I don't see that "look" now
The reason they can't reply is because you have broken links (in top/bottom of the pages) to the FP include files
[_borders/Discussion_Group_New_ahdr.htm] and [_borders/Discussion_Group_New_aftr.htm]
(appears the _borders folder is not on the site)

Suggest you delete the current DW pages and files an create a new one as a subweb
(if your host supports subwebs) or it will soon become corrupted

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

|I created a discussion group
| (http://bullmoosedrinkingclub.com/bullmoose/Discussion_Group_New_frm.htm) to
| allow people to post stories. Right now they can post a story but others can
| not reply to the story with a comment. This is what it looks like now:
| Story 1
| Story 2
| Story 1 Reply
| Story 3
| I would prefer a format more like this bulletin board. Something like this:
| Story 1
| Story 1 reply
| Story 1 reply A
| Story 2
| Story 3
| Story 3 reply
| Story 3 reply A
| Can FrontPage do what I want?

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