Day Number For 365 Day Year


Jim J.

How can one determine the correct day of the year, based on a 365 day year?
I can use ‘DAYS360’ to find the number of today’s date
=DAYS360(1/1/2006,9/20/2006,FALSE) will yield ‘259’. But the actual day
number based on a 365 day year is 263. I don't care about a 360 days year (I
don't live there!). Again, how can I calculate the actual day number based
on a 365 day year?
PS Why does this formula yield ‘38420’ instead of ‘259’?:

Ron Rosenfeld

How can one determine the correct day of the year, based on a 365 day year?
I can use ‘DAYS360’ to find the number of today’s date
=DAYS360(1/1/2006,9/20/2006,FALSE) will yield ‘259’. But the actual day
number based on a 365 day year is 263. I don't care about a 360 days year (I
don't live there!). Again, how can I calculate the actual day number based
on a 365 day year?

A1: 9/20/2006
A2: =A1 - DATE(YEAR(A1),1,0)

Format as General or Number

PS Why does this formula yield ‘38420’ instead of ‘259’?:

Because your start date is a very small number:

1/1/2006 = 1 divided by 2006 = 0.000498504

Your Days360 function reduces to:

=DAYS360(0,TODAY(),FALSE) which is the number of days since 12/31/1899 or

If you want the string to be interpreted as a date, inside a function, you can




PS Why does this formula yield '38420' instead of '259'?:

1/1/2006 is the equivalent of 1 divided by 1 divided by 2006

Try it this way:


Based on a 365(6) day year:


Format as GENERAL


Trevor Shuttleworth

That's just the cell with the date in it ... maybe an unfortunate choice

Could just as easily be:

=INT(A2-DATE(YEAR(A2)-1,12,31)) where A2 has the date in it


day 0 of month 1 this year = day 31 of month 12 last year



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