Day of the week


Francis Hookam

Day of the week

I know that A was born on 28/12/1933 and B was born on 18/5/1937 ­ there are
75 people in the spreadsheet and I need see at a glance which birthdays fall
on a Tuesday during the next twelve months automatically updating using
today¹s date on opening

A 18/5/37 18/5/05
B 4/10/19 4/10/05 Tuesday
C 27/6/57 27/6/05
D 29/2/40 1/3/05 Tuesday*
E 8/6/43 8/6/05
F 27/4/44 28/4/05
G 28/12/56 28/12/04 Tuesday

*Not sure what to do with D who was born on Leap Year Day!

I just cannot see how to generate 18 May which falls in the next 12 months
automatically in the second cell

I tried calculating how old the person is in years using
and adding that to the birth date and then using
to find the date BUT SOMETIMES IT IS A DAY OUT
then an easy =IF(Weekday(...) = 3),"Tuesday","") to show Tuesdays in the
next column

Any suggestions

Thanks as always

Francis Hookham

Peo Sjoblom

To get the age in years


for more info see

to get the weekdays of the birthdays coming 12 months


copied down

I am sure there are smarter ways but it seems to work, btw I used March 1
for birthdays on Feb 29 on non leap years
The above will return all weekdays not only Tuesdays


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)

Peo Sjoblom

If you want to use your if formula testing for Tuesday you can use



Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)

Peo Sjoblom said:
To get the age in years


for more info see

to get the weekdays of the birthdays coming 12 months


copied down

I am sure there are smarter ways but it seems to work, btw I used March 1
for birthdays on Feb 29 on non leap years
The above will return all weekdays not only Tuesdays


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)

Francis Hookam said:
Day of the week

I know that A was born on 28/12/1933 and B was born on 18/5/1937 ­ there
75 people in the spreadsheet and I need see at a glance which birthdays
on a Tuesday during the next twelve months automatically updating using
today¹s date on opening

A 18/5/37 18/5/05
B 4/10/19 4/10/05 Tuesday
C 27/6/57 27/6/05
D 29/2/40 1/3/05 Tuesday*
E 8/6/43 8/6/05
F 27/4/44 28/4/05
G 28/12/56 28/12/04 Tuesday

*Not sure what to do with D who was born on Leap Year Day!

I just cannot see how to generate 18 May which falls in the next 12
automatically in the second cell

I tried calculating how old the person is in years using
and adding that to the birth date and then using
to find the date BUT SOMETIMES IT IS A DAY OUT
then an easy =IF(Weekday(...) = 3),"Tuesday","") to show Tuesdays in the
next column

Any suggestions

Thanks as always

Francis Hookham

Francis Hookam

Brilliant! - many thanks Peo

I must sit an analyse it

I ended up with two calculations (I'm an R1C1 person!):

TH(RC2),DAY(RC2)),DATE(YEAR(TODAY())+1,MONTH(RC2),DAY(RC2))),"ddd d mmm yy")



Day of the week

I know that A was born on 28/12/1933 and B was born on 18/5/1937 ­ there
75 people in the spreadsheet and I need see at a glance which birthdays
on a Tuesday during the next twelve months automatically updating using
today¹s date on opening

A 18/5/37 18/5/05
B 4/10/19 4/10/05 Tuesday
C 27/6/57 27/6/05
D 29/2/40 1/3/05 Tuesday*
E 8/6/43 8/6/05
F 27/4/44 28/4/05
G 28/12/56 28/12/04 Tuesday

*Not sure what to do with D who was born on Leap Year Day!

I just cannot see how to generate 18 May which falls in the next 12
automatically in the second cell

I tried calculating how old the person is in years using
and adding that to the birth date and then using
to find the date BUT SOMETIMES IT IS A DAY OUT
then an easy =IF(Weekday(...) = 3),"Tuesday","") to show Tuesdays in the
next column

Any suggestions

Thanks as always

Francis Hookham

Peo Sjoblom

My Pleasure


Peo Sjoblom

Francis Hookam said:
Brilliant! - many thanks Peo

I must sit an analyse it

I ended up with two calculations (I'm an R1C1 person!):

TH(RC2),DAY(RC2)),DATE(YEAR(TODAY())+1,MONTH(RC2),DAY(RC2))),"ddd d mmm yy")



Day of the week

I know that A was born on 28/12/1933 and B was born on 18/5/1937 ­ there
75 people in the spreadsheet and I need see at a glance which birthdays
on a Tuesday during the next twelve months automatically updating using
today¹s date on opening

A 18/5/37 18/5/05
B 4/10/19 4/10/05 Tuesday
C 27/6/57 27/6/05
D 29/2/40 1/3/05 Tuesday*
E 8/6/43 8/6/05
F 27/4/44 28/4/05
G 28/12/56 28/12/04 Tuesday

*Not sure what to do with D who was born on Leap Year Day!

I just cannot see how to generate 18 May which falls in the next 12
automatically in the second cell

I tried calculating how old the person is in years using
and adding that to the birth date and then using
to find the date BUT SOMETIMES IT IS A DAY OUT
then an easy =IF(Weekday(...) = 3),"Tuesday","") to show Tuesdays in the
next column

Any suggestions

Thanks as always

Francis Hookham

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