P2002/3 (and others?)
1. Tools | Options | and set the date format to "W5/1" (this shows dates in
a week/day format where w1/1 is week 1, day 1; w2/3 is week 2, day 3).
2a. RightMouseButton on the date "bars" above the Gantt chart and click on
Timescale. For Timescale options, choose "3 tiers (Top, Middle, Bottom)"
2b. Click on the Top Tier tab; select Units as "Months"; select Count as 1;
select Label as "Month 1, Month 2 ... from start"
2c. Click on the Middle Tier tab; select Units as "Weeks"; select Count as
1; select label as "Week 1, Week 2 ... from start"
2d. Click on the Bottom Tier tab; select Units as "Days"; select Count as
1; select label as "D1, D2, D3 from start"