daylight savings time on vlookup



DST, how do I incorporate that to the sheet?
say... Arizona, they are currently in Pacific time but when California
reverts back to DST, are they ahead or behind Pacific?
how can i formulate that in excel sheet? I think Indiana is the same

JE McGimpsey

I'm sure you know exactly what you want, but your question is very

XL by itself is totally unaware of time zones.

How are you dealing with time and location now? How does XL know what
time is referred to or what location is referred to?

AFAIK, AZ and HI don't observe DST, and only some counties in IN observe
it, so you'd need to have a list of those counties and some way to map
location to them.

Peo Sjoblom

AFAIK there are parts of Indiana that change to DST however Arizona are on
same time as California until California reverts back then Arizona will be
ahead, note that Hawaii does not change either


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please)


hi JE,
I use area codes, so i think i need to know which area codes observes
DST in Indiana and Arizona, I guess... mmm where can I find that list?

Peo Sjoblom

One way would be to find out which counties use DST and the find out the
area codes for those counties


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please)

JE McGimpsey

Unfortunately area codes and time zones don't coincide. You'll have to
have a breakout by county.

OTOH, as of 2 April 2006, all of Indiana will shift to DST. However,
AFAIK, the US Department of Transportation hasn't yet determined whether
the current CST counties will go to CDT and EST counties to EDT, or
whether all the counties will go to CDT or EDT.

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