dbl click, drag selection



Would be nice if ON were able to double-click/select like Word and many other
Windows programs can. Right now, it seems I can only double click to select
the current word or I can align the mouse at the start of where I want to
highlight (which you know can be a big pain) and then drag to select.

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Chris H.

Sounds like you're having lots of issues with your install, Boris. The
double-click/select words fine here. What operating system do you have
OneNote installed on, and which version of OneNote are you running?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, I mean double click and
extend the selection that is highlighted, not actually dragging the block of
text that is highlighted. If that is what's supposed to work, then I guess I
AM having issues.

I am on XP Pro, and this is ON '03 SP1.

Chris H.

Perhaps I'm not understanding what you've said. In other Office
applications, if you double-click a word, you're selecting it. Click,
click, drag it somewhere else. If you want to select more than a single
word, you drag-select.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Sorry. I meant if you double click and on the second click keep the button
pressed. Don't know what that's called, but the convenience of doing it that
way to select more than one word as opposed to pointing to the start of the
word (in small font, especially difficult) is massive when you are moving
things, and copying/pasting often.

So hope that clears up what I'm suggesting.

Chris H.

Yes, I see it now. I would expect that would be a change in the next
version. The behavior is not the same as Word. 8-(
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Erik Sojka (MVP)

I know what you're talking about, and I can confirm that the double-click-
drag behavior you want is not present in ON2003.

That seems to be a common enough behaviour in pretty much every other
application which accepts text, and it will hopefully be fixed in the next

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