I spent days programming a word-template (word2000) with text-fields
directly in a document. To update the content of a field you
double-click the field and starts a macro which presents an input-box
with a proposed content and then evaluates the input. This works fine
in the .dot but when i make a new .doc from the template it seems like
the dblClick doesn't find the macro in the connected template. It
seems like the application looks for the macro only in "this document"
directly under the .doc, not in "this document" in the attached .dot.
Does anybody know why and how to get around this?
Public Sub yourDate_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As _
On Error Resume Next
Call yourDateMain
End Sub

directly in a document. To update the content of a field you
double-click the field and starts a macro which presents an input-box
with a proposed content and then evaluates the input. This works fine
in the .dot but when i make a new .doc from the template it seems like
the dblClick doesn't find the macro in the connected template. It
seems like the application looks for the macro only in "this document"
directly under the .doc, not in "this document" in the attached .dot.
Does anybody know why and how to get around this?
Public Sub yourDate_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As _
On Error Resume Next
Call yourDateMain
End Sub