DCount problem...



I am importing a spreadsheet into a table in my database, however I need to
check the data that's in the table prior to importing the spreadsheet. I
can't seem to get the DCount function to work for me. Can anyone spot what
my problem may be? Here's the code:

'Check to see if this monthly is already in the tblMonthly table.
Set db = CurrentDb 'Do I even need this?
RptDte = DateValue(Right(Trim(strThrDte), 8)) '(strThrDte is a long string.
The date is in the last char of the string in MM/DD/YY format.
rsCnt = 0
rsCnt = DCount("[fnDte]", "tblMonthly", "Month([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) =
Month(" & RptDte & ") And Year([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) = Year(" & RptDte & ")")
'if the record set count is over zero, the month / year combination is
already in the table. If it's greater than 0, data is already there so don't

If rsCnt = 0 Then
'This data does not exist in the tblMonthly table.
'This monthly already is in the tblMonthly table.
MsgBox "There is alredy a monthly report in Project Cost History for " &
Format(RptDte, "MMM-YY") & ". Delete the old monthly before importing a new
one.", vbOKOnly, "Monthly exsists already..."
Exit Sub
End If

I have to check the month and year rather than just the date, because the
exact day is not known.

Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com

Dates need to be surrounded by the pound sign so Jet knows it's a date and
not a string.

rsCnt = DCount("[fnDte]", "tblMonthly", _
"Month([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) = Month(#" _
& RptDte & "#) And Year([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) = Year(#" _
& RptDte & "#)")

Microsoft MVP

I am importing a spreadsheet into a table in my database, however I need to
check the data that's in the table prior to importing the spreadsheet. I
can't seem to get the DCount function to work for me. Can anyone spot what
my problem may be? Here's the code:

'Check to see if this monthly is already in the tblMonthly table.
Set db = CurrentDb 'Do I even need this?
RptDte = DateValue(Right(Trim(strThrDte), 8)) '(strThrDte is a long string.
The date is in the last char of the string in MM/DD/YY format.
rsCnt = 0
rsCnt = DCount("[fnDte]", "tblMonthly", "Month([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) =
Month(" & RptDte & ") And Year([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) = Year(" & RptDte & ")")
'if the record set count is over zero, the month / year combination is
already in the table. If it's greater than 0, data is already there so don't

If rsCnt = 0 Then
'This data does not exist in the tblMonthly table.
'This monthly already is in the tblMonthly table.
MsgBox "There is alredy a monthly report in Project Cost History for " &
Format(RptDte, "MMM-YY") & ". Delete the old monthly before importing a new
one.", vbOKOnly, "Monthly exsists already..."
Exit Sub
End If

I have to check the month and year rather than just the date, because the
exact day is not known.


That was it! Thanks Chris...
Thanks - John

Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com said:
Dates need to be surrounded by the pound sign so Jet knows it's a date and
not a string.

rsCnt = DCount("[fnDte]", "tblMonthly", _
"Month([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) = Month(#" _
& RptDte & "#) And Year([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) = Year(#" _
& RptDte & "#)")

Microsoft MVP

I am importing a spreadsheet into a table in my database, however I need to
check the data that's in the table prior to importing the spreadsheet. I
can't seem to get the DCount function to work for me. Can anyone spot what
my problem may be? Here's the code:

'Check to see if this monthly is already in the tblMonthly table.
Set db = CurrentDb 'Do I even need this?
RptDte = DateValue(Right(Trim(strThrDte), 8)) '(strThrDte is a long string.
The date is in the last char of the string in MM/DD/YY format.
rsCnt = 0
rsCnt = DCount("[fnDte]", "tblMonthly", "Month([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) =
Month(" & RptDte & ") And Year([tblMonthly]![fnDte]) = Year(" & RptDte & ")")
'if the record set count is over zero, the month / year combination is
already in the table. If it's greater than 0, data is already there so don't

If rsCnt = 0 Then
'This data does not exist in the tblMonthly table.
'This monthly already is in the tblMonthly table.
MsgBox "There is alredy a monthly report in Project Cost History for " &
Format(RptDte, "MMM-YY") & ". Delete the old monthly before importing a new
one.", vbOKOnly, "Monthly exsists already..."
Exit Sub
End If

I have to check the month and year rather than just the date, because the
exact day is not known.

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