

Rob W


It must be late at night as I cant seem to do the most simplest of
activities, a form is used to enter new records.

It displays details and at the bottom is summary information, a text box has
a control source of the following :-

=DCount("[StudentID]", "tblStudent","[AwardId]= '" & [txt.AwardId] &"')

Firstly I keep getting syntax errors and the expression builder upon editing
what i have copied and pasted into the control source property likes
to add quotes and removes the %.

What should the correct syntax be?
Secondly when I navigate or add records how can I get it to be a dynamic

I originally had vba code to set teh txt.Award = DCount("[StudentID]",
"tblStudent","[AwardId]='" & [txt.AwardId] &"') on the form load.
This means though I would have to add the code to my navition buttons (next,
previous, first and last).

Im sure there is an easier way though.

Can anyone please assist?
Apologies for the number of questions tonight!!!


Jeff Boyce


Is the [AwardID] a text/string value? The DCount() expression tells Access
to look for a string value.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Rob W


Just doubled checked the database schema and AwardId is a text field.


Jeff Boyce said:

Is the [AwardID] a text/string value? The DCount() expression tells
Access to look for a string value.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Rob W said:

It must be late at night as I cant seem to do the most simplest of
activities, a form is used to enter new records.

It displays details and at the bottom is summary information, a text box
has a control source of the following :-

=DCount("[StudentID]", "tblStudent","[AwardId]= '" & [txt.AwardId] &"')

Firstly I keep getting syntax errors and the expression builder upon
editing what i have copied and pasted into the control source property
to add quotes and removes the %.

What should the correct syntax be?
Secondly when I navigate or add records how can I get it to be a dynamic

I originally had vba code to set teh txt.Award = DCount("[StudentID]",
"tblStudent","[AwardId]='" & [txt.AwardId] &"') on the form load.
This means though I would have to add the code to my navition buttons
(next, previous, first and last).

Im sure there is an easier way though.

Can anyone please assist?
Apologies for the number of questions tonight!!!


Rob W

Do I specify values on the form using & [txtAwardId] & ?

Jeff Boyce said:

Is the [AwardID] a text/string value? The DCount() expression tells
Access to look for a string value.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Rob W said:

It must be late at night as I cant seem to do the most simplest of
activities, a form is used to enter new records.

It displays details and at the bottom is summary information, a text box
has a control source of the following :-

=DCount("[StudentID]", "tblStudent","[AwardId]= '" & [txt.AwardId] &"')

Firstly I keep getting syntax errors and the expression builder upon
editing what i have copied and pasted into the control source property
to add quotes and removes the %.

What should the correct syntax be?
Secondly when I navigate or add records how can I get it to be a dynamic

I originally had vba code to set teh txt.Award = DCount("[StudentID]",
"tblStudent","[AwardId]='" & [txt.AwardId] &"') on the form load.
This means though I would have to add the code to my navition buttons
(next, previous, first and last).

Im sure there is an easier way though.

Can anyone please assist?
Apologies for the number of questions tonight!!!


Rob W

SOLVED: As I was adding the code straight into the control source did not
have to treat is a variable and use '&' to add it as part of the string.

Rob W said:

Just doubled checked the database schema and AwardId is a text field.


Jeff Boyce said:

Is the [AwardID] a text/string value? The DCount() expression tells
Access to look for a string value.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Rob W said:

It must be late at night as I cant seem to do the most simplest of
activities, a form is used to enter new records.

It displays details and at the bottom is summary information, a text box
has a control source of the following :-

=DCount("[StudentID]", "tblStudent","[AwardId]= '" & [txt.AwardId] &"')

Firstly I keep getting syntax errors and the expression builder upon
editing what i have copied and pasted into the control source property
to add quotes and removes the %.

What should the correct syntax be?
Secondly when I navigate or add records how can I get it to be a dynamic

I originally had vba code to set teh txt.Award = DCount("[StudentID]",
"tblStudent","[AwardId]='" & [txt.AwardId] &"') on the form load.
This means though I would have to add the code to my navition buttons
(next, previous, first and last).

Im sure there is an easier way though.

Can anyone please assist?
Apologies for the number of questions tonight!!!


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