
  • Thread starter igg via AccessMonster.com
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igg via AccessMonster.com

PatientTable contains thousands of patient records. subform current record
selection should for a given clinic ID, update the parent totalpatients text
box with total number of patients in good health. But the
update is slow. like to speed it up so that a current record selection,
updates the text box almost immediately.

Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.Parent.totalpatients = DCount("patient", "PatientTable", "patient='Good'
And ClinicID='" & Me.Parent.Clinic_ID & "'")
End Sub

Stefan Hoffmann

update is slow. like to speed it up so that a current record selection,
updates the text box almost immediately.

Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.Parent.totalpatients = DCount("patient", "PatientTable", "patient='Good'
And ClinicID='" & Me.Parent.Clinic_ID & "'")
End Sub
The most important step:
Create a combined index in your table [PatientTable] and add the two
fields [Patient] and [ClinicID] (in this order).

Is your parent form bound or unbound? Does Me.Parent.Clinic_ID reference
a bound field or an unbound control?

--> stefan <--

igg via AccessMonster.com

parent form is unbound. And, Me.Parent.Clinic_ID is also unbound.

Stefan said:
update is slow. like to speed it up so that a current record selection,
updates the text box almost immediately.
[quoted text clipped - 3 lines]
And ClinicID='" & Me.Parent.Clinic_ID & "'")
End Sub
The most important step:
Create a combined index in your table [PatientTable] and add the two
fields [Patient] and [ClinicID] (in this order).

Is your parent form bound or unbound? Does Me.Parent.Clinic_ID reference
a bound field or an unbound control?

--> stefan <--

Stefan Hoffmann

The most important step:
Create a combined index in your table [PatientTable] and add the two
fields [Patient] and [ClinicID] (in this order).
Is your parent form bound or unbound? Does Me.Parent.Clinic_ID reference
a bound field or an unbound control?
Okay. Adding the index did work?

--> stefan <--

igg via AccessMonster.com

original remote table is being used and I can not modify it. i copied the
original database to a different remote folder with no user connected to it
and noticed significant improvement in speed. By adding a combined index you
do not mean adding a new column to the table, right?. just go to design view
and create an combined index of the two, right?.

Stefan said:
The most important step:
Create a combined index in your table [PatientTable] and add the two
fields [Patient] and [ClinicID] (in this order).
Is your parent form bound or unbound? Does Me.Parent.Clinic_ID reference
a bound field or an unbound control?
Okay. Adding the index did work?

--> stefan <--

Stefan Hoffmann

original remote table is being used and I can not modify it. i copied the
original database to a different remote folder with no user connected to it
and noticed significant improvement in speed.
This should only be the case if the new remote location is on another

But there is another optimization you may try: A permanent recordset.

Create a form with this events filled:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private m_Recordset As DAO.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set m_Recordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
"anyRemoteTable", dbOpenDynamic)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Close()

Set m_Recordset = Nothing

End Sub

ACE/Jet will create the lock file (.ldb) once. So this saves file I/O.
By adding a combined index you
do not mean adding a new column to the table, right?. just go to design view
and create an combined index of the two, right?.
Yes. No new columns, only the index.

--> stefan <--

igg via AccessMonster.com

your first suggested optimization to create combo index worked very well. for
the second optimization that you have suggested, just use the form already i
am using or should i create a new form?. Just making sure. these should get
added to the form i use to do queries, right?. Thanks.

Stefan Hoffmann

your first suggested optimization to create combo index worked very well. for
the second optimization that you have suggested, just use the form already i
am using or should i create a new form?. Just making sure. these should get
added to the form i use to do queries, right?. Thanks.
No, explicitly a new form.

Open it as soon as possible after your application has started using
WindowMode := acHidden, so that the users doesn't see it.

--> stefan <--

igg via AccessMonster.com

is it possible to have the main form to start this new form and close when it
exits?. if yes, how?.

Stefan Hoffmann

is it possible to have the main form to start this new form and close when it
exits?. if yes, how?.
Use the main forms Load event, e.g.:

Private Sub Form_Load()

DoCmd.OpenForm FormName := "formWithPermanentRecordset", _
WindowMode := acHidden

End Sub

--> stefan <--

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