DDE error


Arne Hegefors

Hi! I dowload data into excel by using a macro. I have a dde connection.
usually it works finme but sometime i get an error sent from the dde. this
causes a problem becuase i save the dde answer in a varaible in vba. if i get
an error from the dde thenm I get the message "incopatible type" when i try
to save the answer in a variable. the code:

returnList = Application.DDERequest(channelNumber, BloomQuery)
BBAnswer = returnList(1)

on the last row i get an error when the dde request gives an error. how can
i capture this so that the program does not stop but insteads saves BBAnswer
as "Error" or something? please help! thanks alot!!

Tom Ogilvy

dimension Returnlist as Variant and then test it before working with it

Dim ReturnList as Variant
returnList = Application.DDERequest(channelNumber, BloomQuery)
if isarray(returnList) then
BBAnswer = returnList(1)
elseif iserror(returnlist) then

end if

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