DDE - Excel XP



In Office XP, I am sending data from MSAccess to Excel, via DDE
commands and by using excel commands .CELLS(). Both ways are used in
the same procedure. On all machines it works except on a machine with
French Office XP. Commands of DDE for page setup works but not the
ones for sending data (DDEPOKE). I got the international characters
for Excel row and column. What could be the problem for DDEPOKE
command to fail ? I get the error 285, "The other application can't
perform the DDE function...."

Global exl_APP As excel.Application

Set exl_APP = CreateObject("Excel.application")
Set exl_WKB = exl_APP.Workbooks.Add

exl_WKB.Worksheets.Add ,
Set exl_NEW_WKS = exl_WKB.Worksheets(var_WKS_counter)

exl_WKS.Cells(var_rows_count, var_cols_count).Value = arr_dataR(m,

var_ORIG_data_WKS_name = exl_WKS.Name
var_CHNL_no = DDEInitiate("Excel", var_ORIG_data_WKS_name)

DDEExecute var_CHNL_no, "[page.setup(" & var_par_str & ")]"

'--------------------------- this command does not work

var_EXL_R_char = "L"
var_EXL_C_char = "C"
var_EXCEL_address = var_EXL_R_char & var_EXL_start_R &
var_EXL_C_char & var_EXL_start_C & ":" & var_EXL_R_char &
var_EXL_start_R & var_EXL_C_char & var_cols_count
DDEPoke var_CHNL_no, var_EXCEL_address, var_EXCEL_data

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