I am having trouble with my DDE Links. After several iterations in a Excel
VBA (MACRO) program, the DDE does not update. It seems to be worst in XP Pro
with 2007 Office. The code works reasonabely well with Vista (unbelievabele
I know). It is recieving data from InterbankFX. This is the code I'm using:
Sub ReadData(Bid(), Offer(), c, Res())
channel = DDEInitiate("MT", "BID")
Result = DDERequest(channel, "EURUSD")
Cells(15, 1) = Result
channel = DDEInitiate("MT", "ASK")
Result = DDERequest(channel, "EURUSD")
Cells(15, 2) = Result
channel = DDEInitiate("MT", "BID")
Result = DDERequest(channel, "EURUSD")
Cells(16, 1) = Result
channel = DDEInitiate("MT", "ASK")
Result = DDERequest(channel, "EURUSD")
Cells(16, 2) = Result
Bid(c) = Cells(16, 1)
Offer(c) = Cells(16, 2)
Loop Until Cells(16, 2) <> Cells(15, 2)
VBA (MACRO) program, the DDE does not update. It seems to be worst in XP Pro
with 2007 Office. The code works reasonabely well with Vista (unbelievabele
I know). It is recieving data from InterbankFX. This is the code I'm using:
Sub ReadData(Bid(), Offer(), c, Res())
channel = DDEInitiate("MT", "BID")
Result = DDERequest(channel, "EURUSD")
Cells(15, 1) = Result
channel = DDEInitiate("MT", "ASK")
Result = DDERequest(channel, "EURUSD")
Cells(15, 2) = Result
channel = DDEInitiate("MT", "BID")
Result = DDERequest(channel, "EURUSD")
Cells(16, 1) = Result
channel = DDEInitiate("MT", "ASK")
Result = DDERequest(channel, "EURUSD")
Cells(16, 2) = Result
Bid(c) = Cells(16, 1)
Offer(c) = Cells(16, 2)
Loop Until Cells(16, 2) <> Cells(15, 2)