dde server window



outlook.exe entry point not found

the procedure entrypoint getiums couldnot be located in
the dynamic link library msdart.dll

Can anyone tell me why this is popping up and how do I get
rid of it?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Visit windows update and get the latest version of mdac.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After scratching one's head,
(e-mail address removed) <[email protected]>
asked this group:
| outlook.exe entry point not found
| the procedure entrypoint getiums couldnot be located in
| the dynamic link library msdart.dll
| Can anyone tell me why this is popping up and how do I get
| rid of it?

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