Deadlines - rollup to summary level


Astro Boy

We use Deadlines on our tasks. In our experience, we've seen that the
Deadline date does not roll up to the summary task level.

Is there any way to get Deadline to roll up, sorta like Finish date does
(that is, the latest value appears at the summary task level)?


Gérard Ducouret

Astro Boy,
You can do this "Rolled up deadline" : In the Bar Styles dialog, create a
new symbol for this Rolled up deadline.
In the "Show for... Tasks" column : Normal, Rolled Up,Not Summary
From : Deadline
To : Deadline

You'll have to adapt or to delete the blue "Rolled up task" symbol which may
disrupt the display.

Gérard Ducouret

Astro Boy

Thanks, Gerard.

Does this change what is seen in the Deadline column, or does it just change
the Gantt chart graphics? I've made the change you suggest and I am not
seeing Deadline dates roll up to the summary task level.



Gérard Ducouret

Astro Boy,

It just change the Gantt chart graphics... if you selected the "Roll up to
summary" check box in the task information dialog (General tab).

Gérard Ducouret

Astro Boy

Thanks, Gerard. I'm really looking to roll the date up within the Deadline
column itself.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to do that?

Rob Schneider

I think you are searching for what doesn't exist. From Project's
perspective, there could be many dates as subordinate tasks for which
there are deadline dates. Which of many dates do you want shown?

Why not write some code which picks, based you your algorithm, the one
task that you chose to elevate to summary level, assign that date to the
summary level (custom date field), and then write that date on the
summary task using bar properties. The key is for you to write the
algorithm yourself, fill the custom field, and then print it.

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