dealing with 4 forms



I'm trying to figure out how I should do this, and just want to see if anyone
has any ideas on how to do this:

I have 4 forms based on tables:
Mainform, FormA, FormB, FormC
FormA and FormB have a one to many relationship with the Mainform. They both
are on a tabbed control on the Mainform.
FormC is where I'm having problems. It has a relationship with FormA and
FormB. FormA is a one to Many with FormC (FormA has FormC's FK)
and FormB is a one to many with FormC. (This is by a seperate table with
both Forms/Tables PK's in it) I think this might be done wrong. But below is
what has to happened:
FormA has to have a FormC (but only one). While FormB may or may
not need FormC. Neither FormA or FormB information in FormC is connected.

I tried to see if the people I was working on this with would want to have
two seperate tables for FormC, but currently they don't want that.

I know this is a lot. I hope someone can help me.

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