dealing with missing references




I have a problem where I reference som dll-files that are available when I
work connected to the network, but not when I work off line. Hence when I
use Word off line I get an error.

Any ideas? Trap it through on error? Something else?


Shauna Kelly

Hi Eric

It's not really possible to trap this as an error, because it's a
compile-time error, not a run-time error. What I do in this circumstance is
to use late binding. (See for info) with
something like this:

Dim clsMyThing As Object

On Error Resume Next
Set clsMyThing = CreateObject("DLLName.ClassName")
On Error GoTo 0

If clsMyThing Is Nothing Then
'DLL is not available
clsMyThing.MyMethod whatever
End If

Set clsMyThing = Nothing

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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