Debug a code(3709 error)



I am trying to debug a code, but I don't know what cause it.
The module code is
Dim tempCtl As ADODB.Recordset
Set tempCtl = New ADODB.Recordset
With tempCtl
.ActiveConnection = Gcn
.Open Source:="Select * " & _
" From [Ctl] " & _
" Where [CtlType] = '" & newCtlType & "' " & _
" And [CtlKey] = '" & newCtlKey & "'"
end with

It show "Run-time error '3709': The connection cannot be used to perform
this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context." after
excuting .Open Source:
Could someone tell me where I miss? Thank you very much.


Tim Ferguson

.ActiveConnection = Gcn
.Open Source:="Select * " & _
" From [Ctl] " & _
" Where [CtlType] = '" & newCtlType & "' " & _
" And [CtlKey] = '" & newCtlKey & "'"

It show "Run-time error '3709': The connection cannot be used to perform
this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context." after
excuting .Open Source:

What is Gcn -- where is it defined and is it definitely open?

What are the contents of newCtlType and newCtlKey? Is there any chance of
SQL insertion going on?

Tim F

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