Debug Error Messages Are Supressed



I have a novice developer at work, and he asked for help on a
particular database.

When an error occurs in his database, on any of his forms, the debug
error message does not pop-up. The form just stops processing. I have
to use Msgbox statements to figure out where the code is stopping. A

I can't find any "Resume Next" statements, or any error handling. And
it's strange that this seems to happen on all his forms.

I can't figure out how he accidently disabled all Debug messages in
his database.

Any ideas?

Allen Browne

1. Open the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G) and enter:
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

2. Open the code window, and choose Options on the Tools menu.
On the General tab, set Error Trapping to:
Break on Unhandled Errors.

If it still fails after this, you need to to decompile.
Follow (at least) the first 6 steps on this page:


FYI. This issue has been fixed.

The database had never been compiled, so I am sure that was the
problem. However, I refused to compile it because he had so many
little errors, it would have taken me hours to clean up his mess.

Instead, I simply opened up a blank database, imported a couple of his
main forms, fixed all the errors, compiled, and then imported his
remaining objects. Did the trick -- error messages are back.


Allen Browne

Thanks for posting the answer.

What you did makes sense for fixing the particular issue. All the best for
the longer-term maintenance issues though. :)

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