Debug Error! Repost



Sometimes when I try to go into the code window in Access 2003, I sometimes
get the error below, which terminates Access.

Funny thing is that it happens on some machines on our network all the time
and on other machines, it doesn’t happen at all. I can actually log into 2
machines concurrently, access the same .mdb file, get this error on one
machine and not on the other. Also, other users do not get this error. I have
tested on local files and network files. The ONLY difference between the 2
machines is that the ones that do work are newer. Same network setup, same op
system (XP), Office 2003 installed locally.

The network guys here have been gracious enough to test many things network
related. I don’t know all the specifics, but they now seem to think it has to
do with my local profile getting corrupted by something. They don’t use
roaming profiles here.

I have searched the forum and see that, as of a couple months ago, no
solutions were posted. Any help on this issue would be GREATLY appreciated.


Error title: Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library

Debug error!

Program: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE

abnormal program termination

(Press Retry to debug the application)

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