Debug.print ?



First let me give the create to Luke Chung for this code.

I was checking out this website (
when I saw this code and I wanted to use it. The question I have is on the…

…Debug.Print part. He said it would display in the immediate window. Is
there a way to have this print on a form, or a component within a form, i.e.
listbox, text fields, etc.? If so, how? If not, what? Thanks

Private Sub RecordSetQuery ()
Const strQueryName = "Other: Top 10 Auto Companies"
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDB() ' Open pointer to current database
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strQueryName) ' Open recordset on saved query
Do While Not rs.eof
Debug.Print ("Company: " & rs![Company] & " Sales: " & rs![1994])
End Sub


Okay, I fill like a goober now. I did a little more checking and this is
used during debug (Duh) .
Question: How would I use that code (minus the debug.print) and have it
displayed to a form?

Douglas J. Steele

If you've got a text box named txtResults on your form, you can change that

Debug.Print ("Company: " & rs![Company] & " Sales: " & rs![1994])


Me.txtResults = Me.txtResults & "Company: " & rs![Company] & " Sales: " &
rs![1994]) & vbCrLf

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