How about if I install IU on the desktop app but leave the server as a
default installation (no SP, no IU, nothing yet )-
Our IT team is getting to it but currently my fat client is more patched
than the box. What I am now finding is that the fat client hangs on open,
presumably when it tries and fails to talk to the server. It tries to send an
error report and restart over and over again.
I am assuming that this is all because the fat client is patched and the
server is not. Can anyone validate this? I want to rule out anything else
being the culprit (and yes, I used to be able to connect to Server beforeI
patched the fat client.)
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Brian, you are definitely going to have problems if your Project Pro
is on IU and the Project Server is not. The IU contained some fairly
significant database updates, including schema changes. You'll see
things like Custom Field values being out of sync in Project>Project
Information, along with the symptoms you describe.
As Gary mentioned earlier, Microsoft will tell you (and I basically
agree) that all three elements (MOPS, WSS/MOSS, and Project Pro)
should be on the same level of update. While I suspect there is some
wiggle room in the more recent CUs, the IU was a huge update and I
would think it's absolutely required that the three tools be patched
to that level.