michiel mobach
does anybody know if there is some way of making a format of numbers
(decimals) the dutch way. I'm using excel for my invoices but it formats the
american way so now if have to retype the caclulations. Maybe it is a
version problem i don't know.....I tried using cusom formatting of numbers
but my excal won't do calculations any more.
Dutch formatting decimals #.###,00
American formatting decimals #,###.00
So where i need a 'period' i get a 'comma' and vise versa
Thanks in advance
Michiel Mobach.
does anybody know if there is some way of making a format of numbers
(decimals) the dutch way. I'm using excel for my invoices but it formats the
american way so now if have to retype the caclulations. Maybe it is a
version problem i don't know.....I tried using cusom formatting of numbers
but my excal won't do calculations any more.
Dutch formatting decimals #.###,00
American formatting decimals #,###.00
So where i need a 'period' i get a 'comma' and vise versa
Thanks in advance
Michiel Mobach.