This post was from Owen on the OneNote team btw
[email protected]>
Peter - just FYI we knew this format (we call it legal numbering around here, not sure if that's an official name) would be important to outliners (as well as lawyers J) and really wanted to get it. We just haven't had time yet. It's just a bunch of additional work beyond the standard numbering feature because each number has to update based on the numbering & style of all of its parents.
[email protected]>
Hi Erik
I've gotten around it by just using the single character numbering at
different levels and cleaning it up when pasting into Word if needed...
<sigh> I thought that OneNote had the Outliner that I always missed so
in Word... It's not better, actually it's worse. I just don't
understand why MS doesn't make a great outliner! Actually, the
outlining feature in WordPerfect 5.1 was better than anything that MS
has achieved.
Thanks for your reply.