Decimal Place accuracy



Does anyone know how to get greater than 2 place accuracy
in calculations? The problem I'm having is as follows:

Let's say fred makes $80,000 a year, where a year is made
up of 52 weeks @40 hrs/week = 2,080 hrs/yr. So, I set his
std rate in the resource sheet to $80,000/2,080. Now I go
to the GANTT chart and create a task that's 1 yr long. I
then apply fred as the only resource, and I make sure work
(i.e. # hrs) is set to 2,080. When all is said and done,
the cost for this task is not equal to his $80,000
salary. I'm assuming this is due to MSProject rounding
error of some sort.

To me it doesn't make sense to use a tool to estimate
projects costs if it cannot support matching (to the
penny) both ends of the simple scenario shown above. If I
can do the calc to the penny in Excel, then why not in
Project. Somebody please tell me what I'm missing?

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