Decimal places in forms and tables



I have a form based on a table, with a set of values that are calculated in
VBA (many thanks to the guys yesterday for their input on that), however, i
cannot seem to adjust the number of decimal places for the calculated values.

I have something approaching 10 digits after the decimal place, however, i
only want 2, as they will otherwise not fit into the form's text box, and
aren't needed.

I have changed the field properties on the table and the form to Double,
General Number, 2 decimal places, but this is having no effect. I assume i
have missed something here, can anyone enlighten me?



It sounds like the calculated values are finishing up as text data rather
than numeric. I think you'll need to post your VBA.


How about putting the round function in your VBA

something like: Round(your calculation here, 2)
This will round the calculation to two decimals.



Its pretty basic...

Private Sub Capacity_AfterUpdate()
Annual_Power_Output = [Capacity] * 3.21270138
Cost_per_kWh_DWL = [Total_Cost] / [Annual_Power_Output]
End Sub

When the Capacity value is changed in the table, the Annual Power Output,
and Cost per kWh values are calculated as below. Like i say, the problem is
that it is outputting to about 10 decimal places despite the field properties
on the table and form being 2 decimal places.



So: Cost_per_kWh_DWL = Round([Total_Cost] / [Annual_Power_Output],2) should
do the trick.
Maurice Ausum

Ollie*99 said:
Its pretty basic...

Private Sub Capacity_AfterUpdate()
Annual_Power_Output = [Capacity] * 3.21270138
Cost_per_kWh_DWL = [Total_Cost] / [Annual_Power_Output]
End Sub

When the Capacity value is changed in the table, the Annual Power Output,
and Cost per kWh values are calculated as below. Like i say, the problem is
that it is outputting to about 10 decimal places despite the field properties
on the table and form being 2 decimal places.


bcap said:
It sounds like the calculated values are finishing up as text data rather
than numeric. I think you'll need to post your VBA.


It works! Many thanks, please accept this wonderful present as a token of my


I have no idea what it is, but enjoy. ;)


Maurice said:
So: Cost_per_kWh_DWL = Round([Total_Cost] / [Annual_Power_Output],2) should
do the trick.
Maurice Ausum

Ollie*99 said:
Its pretty basic...

Private Sub Capacity_AfterUpdate()
Annual_Power_Output = [Capacity] * 3.21270138
Cost_per_kWh_DWL = [Total_Cost] / [Annual_Power_Output]
End Sub

When the Capacity value is changed in the table, the Annual Power Output,
and Cost per kWh values are calculated as below. Like i say, the problem is
that it is outputting to about 10 decimal places despite the field properties
on the table and form being 2 decimal places.


bcap said:
It sounds like the calculated values are finishing up as text data rather
than numeric. I think you'll need to post your VBA.

I have a form based on a table, with a set of values that are calculated in
VBA (many thanks to the guys yesterday for their input on that), however,
cannot seem to adjust the number of decimal places for the calculated

I have something approaching 10 digits after the decimal place, however, i
only want 2, as they will otherwise not fit into the form's text box, and
aren't needed.

I have changed the field properties on the table and the form to Double,
General Number, 2 decimal places, but this is having no effect. I assume i
have missed something here, can anyone enlighten me?


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