How do I convert decimal to time for eg
55.80 to 56:20
25.70 to 26:10
So you're working in the hexadecimal system, where the number before the
decimal point is hours and the portion after is minutes? Do note that if
you're planning to use an Access Date/Time field, it does NOT support hour
values over 23; a Date/Time field is actually a double float count of days
fractions of a day since midnight, December 30, 1899, so 26:10 is actually
stored as #12/31/1899 02:10:00am#.
That said - you can construct a *text string* (not a Date/Time) as you
describe with an expression like
Int([yourfield]) + (([yourfield] - Int([yourfield]) * 100) \ 60 & ":" &
([yourfield] - Int([yourfield]) * 100 MOD 60