Declaring Variables Twice?




Can the variables be declared in a more efficient manner in this
case. The below code gets the job done but I was wondering if there
was a better way than to Declare the names twice. Maybe some sort of
loop through the name ranges. Just want to know how to clean this
puppy up?

Thanks in advance.


Sub BookExists()
'Test to see if a Workbooks exist
Dim FindFile As String
Dim BookName(2) As String, BookName2 As String
Dim LPosition(2) As Integer
Dim Myrng(2) As String
Dim Mylen(2) As Long
Dim Lcount(2) As Long

Myrng(1) = Sheets("Data").Range("A110").Value
Myrng(2) = Sheets("Data").Range("A111").Value
LPosition(1) = InStrRev(Myrng(1), "\")
LPosition(2) = InStrRev(Myrng(2), "\")
Mylen(1) = Len(Myrng(1))
Mylen(2) = Len(Myrng(2))
Lcount(1) = Mylen(1) - LPosition(1)
Lcount(2) = Mylen(2) - LPosition(2)
BookName(1) = Right(Myrng(1), Lcount(1))
BookName(2) = Right(Myrng(2), Lcount(2))

FindFile = Range("BkPath").Value & "\Final Reports"
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = FindFile
'* represents wildcard characters
.Filename = BookName(1)
.Filename = BookName(2)
If .Execute > 0 Then 'Workbook exists
'Am doing stuff here
Else 'There is NOt a Workbook
MsgBox BookName(1) & " Does not exist - Please Create
MsgBox BookName(2) & " Does not exist - Please Create
End If
End With

End Sub

Jon Peltier

It's not declaring them, that's the Dim statements. It's assigning values
that you're talking about.

And you can do something like this:

For iCounter = 1 To 2
LPosition(iCounter) = InStrRev(Myrng(iCounter), "\")
Mylen(iCounter) = Len(Myrng(iCounter))
Lcount(iCounter) = Mylen(iCounter) - LPosition(iCounter)

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Peltier Technical Services, Inc.

Advanced Excel Conference - June 17-18 2009 - Charting and Programming


Hi Jon

Thanks for your reply. It worked a treat. I am very appreciative of
your help, thankyou. I have looked at your website a great deal over
the years and it has been more than helpful. It is a fantastic site
and you should be very proud.

Take care


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