I have a PrintToFile statement telling Excel to save a worksheets as Tiff
document. When the procedure is triggered a pop-up box appears in order to
let the user define filename. This works fine. But when the user doens't
wan't to save a copy and simply presses 'cancel' he/she gets a runtime error
1004 Method PrintOut of object Worksheet failed. How do I programme the
procedure in order to not show the error.
Sheet1.PrintOut ActivePrinter:="Microsoft Office Document Image Writer", _
PrintToFile:=True, _
Services\SSV\Netwerkklachten\Overige Info\weekoverzichtenbrieven\Status
Workload SSV " & _
DatePart("yyyy", ThisMonday - 1) & " week " &
DatePart("ww", ThisMonday - 1, vbMonday, vbUseSystem) & ".mdi"
I have a PrintToFile statement telling Excel to save a worksheets as Tiff
document. When the procedure is triggered a pop-up box appears in order to
let the user define filename. This works fine. But when the user doens't
wan't to save a copy and simply presses 'cancel' he/she gets a runtime error
1004 Method PrintOut of object Worksheet failed. How do I programme the
procedure in order to not show the error.
Sheet1.PrintOut ActivePrinter:="Microsoft Office Document Image Writer", _
PrintToFile:=True, _
Services\SSV\Netwerkklachten\Overige Info\weekoverzichtenbrieven\Status
Workload SSV " & _
DatePart("yyyy", ThisMonday - 1) & " week " &
DatePart("ww", ThisMonday - 1, vbMonday, vbUseSystem) & ".mdi"