


When I try to use the undocumented "decompile" command-line option in Access
97, I get an "Invalid Operation" message. How can I get my .mdb to decompile?

John Spencer (MVP)

Hard to say. What does the Command Line you ran look like?

"Full Path To Access97" \Decompile "Full Path To Database "


That's exactly what it looks like. I want to decompile the program because a
user keeps getting kicked out of it when she runs a report. I'm going to try
import all its objects into a blank database instead to fix the problem.

John Spencer (MVP)

Well, if that is exactly what it looks like then it should fail for us both. I
goofed and put a \ before decompile instead of /

"Full Path To Access97" /Decompile "Full Path To Database"

Chris Mills

Decompile works. (Assuming you got the command line right)

Unless of course, your mdb is hopelessly corrupted, which is quite possible in

You know how to proceed with diagnosis, surely? Create a new mdb and decompile
that, just to test your "system" is working. You haven't posted that you have
made even the most fundamental diagnoses.

Try another PC? Surely as a programmer you have tried some things? It's not a
known problem (beyond normal), if that's what you're asking.

Does it import to a new database and compile? Surely you have tried this?


Declan said:
When I try to use the undocumented "decompile" command-line option in Access
97, I get an "Invalid Operation" message. How can I get my .mdb to

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