Decrease Length of Font List?



I'm using Word 2004 on my Mac OSX 10.3.7. I installed a Font Pack
which I later disabled and deleted (all via the Font Book). However,
when I go into Word, my font list is still huge! I think this is
greatly increasing the start-up time of Word. Any suggestions?

matt neuburg

dudebrah said:
I'm using Word 2004 on my Mac OSX 10.3.7. I installed a Font Pack
which I later disabled and deleted (all via the Font Book). However,
when I go into Word, my font list is still huge! I think this is
greatly increasing the start-up time of Word.

First, maybe you didn't actually disable and delete the fonts in
question, so begin by looking *directly* at each of the four Fonts
folders and dealing with them manually.

Second, as recommended in my Take Control ebook on Word 2004, I'd
suggest that you remove from your personal Fonts folder all the dozens
of fonts installed by Word itself - except for the four or five that are
essential to Word's usage (such as Times New Roman and Verdana and

Third, use Font Book to help you resolve font conflicts, as described in
detail in my book.

Finally, use Panther Cache Cleaner or similar to delete the font caches,
and restart the computer. Throw away Office's font cache file. Now start
up Word. Things will be a lot faster now. m.


Sorry for my ignorance, but I have a couple of questions:
1) Where are these 4 font folders?
2) Where is Office's font cache file?

Also, must I delete Fonts from my User folder or the root Fonts folder?
Thanks so much.

Beth Rosengard

About trashing the font cache:
<> (If using Safari, hit
Refresh once or twice; otherwise switch to another browser.)

About your fonts folders:


About deleting fonts: It's okay to delete fonts from any folder except the
System's font folder.

***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

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