Workaroudn or solution wanted
When a misspelling is corrected by the user in the text window - the only
natural sequence is the Enter key.
But Since [Ignore] is default button this will waste every meticulous change,
The only way to avoid this is extensive mousing or a finger braking ALT+
letter - none of which is healthy.
Changing the default button to [Replace] rather than [Ignore] woukd mend it
It would be a small step for man - but a giant leap for mankind!
Please tell me how to change this or at least do it in future versions
Carl Sukkot
When a misspelling is corrected by the user in the text window - the only
natural sequence is the Enter key.
But Since [Ignore] is default button this will waste every meticulous change,
The only way to avoid this is extensive mousing or a finger braking ALT+
letter - none of which is healthy.
Changing the default button to [Replace] rather than [Ignore] woukd mend it
It would be a small step for man - but a giant leap for mankind!
Please tell me how to change this or at least do it in future versions
Carl Sukkot