I reported this issue here in October 2005. I got two replies from
Microsoft's MacBU, one in this forum, one private, both saying they
are investigating the issue.
Thanks for reporting it still doesn't work in Entourage 2008, saves me
the trouble and expense of upgrading! Mail.app is much better with
Greek. You can either use the default UTF setting which works in most
cases, or change the default character set to Greek with a simple
terminal command (defaults write com.apple.mail NSPreferredMailCharset
"ISO-8859-7"). I never managed to find a similar command for
Entourage. However, there is a workaround (courtesy of Mickey Stevens)
that you may find useful: you can create a small script that will
change the character set and send the message with the same keystroke:
First, open System Preferences, and then open Universal Access
preferences. Make sure the checkbox to "Enable access for assistive
devices" is checked, and then quit System Preferences and re-launch
Copy this script into Script Editor:
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Microsoft Entourage"
pick menu item "Greek (ISO)" of menu 1 of menu item "Character Set"
of menu "Format" of menu bar item "Format" of menu bar 1
keystroke return using command down
end tell
end tell
Save the script in ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Script
Menu Items, and rename it to include \mG at the end, i.e. the name of
your script should be "Script Name \mG" (the \mG bit is for activating
the script by pressing Command G. You can change that for any key
combination you like, for example \cG stands for Control G, ^ is for
Shift, etc, just make sure that the same shortcut is not used by
another command). Now you can just press that keyboard shortcut when
you are ready to send a message (or manually activate the script from
the Entourage script menu).
Hope this helps