Default email program


Leslie Isaacs

Hello All

I have a new PC and I need to specify Outlook Express as the default email program, but when I go to Internet Options (in internet explorer) then go to the Programs tab, the dropdown for the Email option only offers Microsoft Outlook: on m previous PC there ae 3 options here - Hotmail, Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. How do the get the Outlook Express option to appear in the picking list?

I am on outlook express 6.00.2800.1106 and internet explorer 6.0.2800.1106

Hope someone can help.
Many thanks
Leslie Isaacs

William Lefkovics [MVP]

Is this Windows XP?

Windows gets the default email application list from a registry key:
If you are comfortable with Registry Editor, you could confirm that they are

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

Leslie said:
Hello All

I have a new PC and I need to specify Outlook Express as the default
email program, but when I go to Internet Options (in internet explorer)
then go to the Programs tab, the dropdown for the Email option only
offers Microsoft Outlook: on m previous PC there ae 3 options here -
Hotmail, Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. How do the get the
Outlook Express option to appear in the picking list?

I am on outlook express 6.00.2800.1106 and internet explorer 6.0.2800.1106

Hope someone can help.
Many thanks
Leslie Isaacs

-> Restores OE to the E-mail clients list in Internet Options

Hope this helps.

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003
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Leslie Isaacs

Hello William

Thanks for your reply: no, it's not XP, it's W2000Pro.
I'm afraid I'm not confident with working in the registry and would prefer
to avoid that if I can: is there another way? If not, please could you tell
me - in idiot-proof terms - what to do?

Thanks again for the help.

Bruce Hagen

X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106

Get yourself over to Windows Updates ASAP.

Leslie Isaacs

Hello P A Bear and Bruce
I have now done a Windows update, and my ersion of OE is now 6.00.2800.1107.
My version of internet explorer is still 6.0.2800.1106 . Is this what it
should be?
Thanks for your help

Leslie Isaacs

Hello Vincenzo

Many thanks for your reply.

I have followed the instructions at
which succeeded in getting Outlook Express into that option list (in
Internet Explorer>Internet Options>Programs), and it is now selected. Normal
emailing works OK, but when I click on 'Reply Group' (having highlighted a
posting in this - or any - newsgroup) I go straight into the New Message
screen as normal, but if I click on 'Reply' I get the 'Choose Profile'
dialogue box - and after accepting the prepopulated Profile (which is the
name of the mail acount in Outlook Express) and clicking the send button,
nothing is sent. I get exactly the same problem when I try to use the
SendObject macro command in MS Access - I get the 'Choose Profile' dialogue
box but then the macro just stops.

I would be extremely grateful if you (or anyone reading this!!) could help.
Many thanks
Leslie Isaacs

Bruce Hagen

Your version of msoe.dll (Help | About) is now:

Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1807

which I believe is correct for W2K.

As for your other problem:

Make OE the default e-mail client:

For links in e-mail:


If you have MS Outlook installed, also see:

If still no joy:

You may have a damaged identity. File | Identity | Add New Identity. Create
a new one and test it. If all is well, you can import your messages from the
old identity and delete it.

How to Create and Use Identities in Outlook Express

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