Thank you Corentin and Bill for your replies.
By forward I mean to send onto my new email server, and yes my old
provider supplies this service - you just place your new address in the
sending mail box - SMPT - that's been done.
I don't think it the firewall setting on the modem.
i'm not worried about your modem.
Your ISP might be filtering out the standard SMTP port and the host for
the old SMTP might be only allowing connections from within its own
Some ISPs use these approaches to prevent spammers from sending out
zillion e-mails from their domains.
I spend 45 minutes with a very helpful lady on my service providers
Support Line (they provided the Modem) and she was certainly on top of
everything that they provide. I was the first caller ever however that
was trying to connect Entourage and she had limited support material on
the browser.
Have you tried setting up Mail to see if you could then send out
e-mails the way you want?
That would help rule out a configuration/filtering issue.
Her suggestion that I ring Microsoft will cost money.
That sounds like a ridiculous waste of time and money. Clearly I do not
thing it is a bug.
MS Support would tell you to call back the ISP to check for port
filtering and the old SMTP host to ask about filtering based on
originating domain.